In this section, you will find out more about our facilities.
Working bee
Occasionally the school will hold a working bee day to help maintain the school grounds. These
days are usually held on a Saturday or Sunday during the school term. Families and community
members are always encouraged to attend these days as they make our school a better and
safer place for children to attend school.
For the safety of your children, would parents please observe the official parking requirements
at the front of the school, especially the NO STANDING in the Bus Zone. Parents are
encouraged to park in the school parking enclosure. Please also ensure that your children use
the School Crossing if you park on the opposite side of the road. This is a huge safety issue.
Even if you cross the road with your child you should use the School Crossing.
Grounds care
The school employs James Galloway to carry out the care of the school grounds but extra
assistance is needed from families to fully maintain all gardens and the grounds. The mower
and other grounds equipment is serviced by James Galloway or Martin Dow.