In the event that your child is absent from school, you will need to notify the school by phone, written note, email, School Facebook page via messenger or by
other means on the day of your child’s absence.
Phone: (07) 4167 2154
For your child’s protection, all absences that the
school have not been notified of will warrant a phone call to the child’s parent or guardian directly
after 9am on the day of absence. Education Queensland’s Regulations state that the only
conditions which may require a child to be absent are for extra-curricular tuition or training, when a
child is visiting a medical specialist or when a child is physically ill. Other extenuating
circumstances may occur such as weather conditions or family obligations.
If you have prior
knowledge of an impending day’s absence, it would be greatly appreciated if the school could be
notified before hand.
Students who fall ill while attending school will need to notify their teacher or teacher aide (e.g.
Feeling sick in the stomach, dizzy, blurry vision etc.). Action will then be taken by the teacher or
teacher aide in that classroom at their discretion once they have notified the parents.
In certain
circumstances (e.g. Student vomiting) students will be removed from the classroom to be
positioned on the ‘sick bed’ outside the office until arrangements can be organised for parents or
guardians to pick the student up from school.
Regular attendance is important for success at school. In all year levels it is compulsory for your
child to attend school every school day.
Staying away from school unnecessarily will only hinder
your child’s education.