We believe that
1. Every student matters, every day.
2. All students can achieve to a high academic standard.
3. The school environment fosters and encourages learning by all students.
4. Staff shares accountability for student outcomes.
5. The School culture fosters “best practice” by staff and students to help every student
achieve to the best of their ability.
6. Curriculum delivery is underpinned by explicit classroom instruction.
7. In a culture of high expectations with regard to:
- Student behaviour/ attendance/ dress code
- Student bookwork standards
- Teacher and student commitment to high academic performance
- Student values and a high level of reciprocal respect
- Student engagement
- Feedback being given and received openly and often, and is valued by staff and
students alike.
8. Learning is a team effort that includes staff, student and parental involvement.
9. There are strong relationships between parents and their children’s teachers.
10. There is a high level of community engagement and support.
There is a strong relationship between the school and the community/parents/families.
Quality education
As a small school we aim to offer an education which caters for and promotes individualism by
preparing students for the future as well as responding to the changing needs of society.