Buses/conveyance allowance
Parents conveying their children more than 4.8 kilometres to school by motor vehicle (private) or to
catch a bus are eligible for an allowance to help with petrol costs.
When a child living more than
4.8 kilometres from the nearest school is conveyed by car more than 3.2 kilometres to a school
transport service, the parent may claim a conveyance allowance.
Application forms may be obtained from:
The Department of Transport
PO Box 371
Maryborough Q 4650
Children travelling on school buses are subject to the rules and regulations of their Local
Conveyance Committee. In the event of a child’s continuous misbehaviour, and on the driver’s
report to the Principal, that child can be refused bus transport. Due to the increasing road
hazards, it is vital that parents teach children correct bus behaviour so that the driver’s attention
to the road is not disturbed. Children are not to have any part of their body protruding from the
A note from the bus owners/drivers
Bus drivers have also requested that parents let the respective person (usually the bus driver) know
when students will not be going on the bus (i.e. if the student is sick or will be picked up by a parent
in the afternoon).
Please consider not only calling the school in regards to your child’s change in
routine but also the bus owner or driver it will affect.
Parents need to give as much notice as possible to bus drivers if they ask for extra students to ride
on the bus. Please note a fee may apply, please ask the bus owner for more details on this matter.
Thank you for your help and consideration in this matter.